Friday, July 23, 2010

Meaningful Use - Final Rule - Again!

So my sales team twisted my arm to put this on here. So, please bear with me: Here it goes.

By now, you have all read the 864 page meaningful use Final Rule and are prepared to be compliant right? Well, if not, we’d like to talk to you about Compliance Reporting for Meaningful Use.

As you may already know, there are 15 core measures that you have to electronically report to CMS to be compliant. And you may already know that a CCHIT certified EHR alone is not going to help you get there. Let us take a moment to introduce you to Meta Analytix’s comprehensive informatics platform designed specifically for Healthcare, Integra.

As a savvy executive, you already know what Informatics can bring to the table in increasing profitability, improving your organization’s competitiveness in the marketplace and having a single view of your entire organization. Some of the statistics that you may not know are these. Best in class Hospitals that have used centralized business intelligence have achieved:

* Increased profitability from 1%-9% (Aberdeen Research)

* An average of 36 days to receive payment on accounts vs. 46 days for all others (Aberdeen Research)

* A nurse turnover rate of 10% vs. 14% for all others (Aberdeen Research)

Given this scenario, how can we help? Take a look at the salient features of Integra

* Over 400 Healthcare measures pre-loaded, including meaningful use measures

* Enterprise Class ETL platform built in (

* Can acquire data from your EHR software, SAS, COBOL and others

* Standardized data definitions pre-loaded for Healthcare

* Flex DimensionalTM Data Model ready for staging and reporting

* Enterprise Open Source BI platform for reporting, drill down analysis and dashboard building.

* Low Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

* Low implementation lifecycle. (Avoid making costly purchases of individual components and building from scratch)

* Experienced Consultants to work with you to implement your informatics platform seamlessly with minimal workflow interruption

As you can see, Integra is the only informatics platform pre-built for Healthcare and ready to get you to to Meaningful Use in the quickest possible time. For additional information, please see the attached brochure or visit our website:

Contact us for a demo or for your consulting needs:

Phone: 866.611.8595 Ext. 1 or Ext. 2


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Meaningful Use - Final Rule

The final rule for meaningful use is here, finally! The good news? Number of measures have gone down. The bad news? It is more complex to collect and report. Take for example the following stage 1 measure as defined in the final rule :
"More than 30% of unique patients with at least one medication in their medication list seen by the EP or admitted to the eligible hospital’s or CAH’s inpatient or emergency department
(POS 21 or 23) have at least one medication order entered using CPOE".

Huh? Think about it. What would the measure for this look like? Let's say the measure looks like this: "% of patients seen by EP (Eligible Professional) in Emergency Department or Inpatient with at least one medication order entered using CPOE".

Easy enough? Not so fast, my computer savvy analyst ( yes, you know who you are...usually known as the "data queen" in your organization). Think about the data elements you have to collect.
Let's break down the measure into chunks to better understand it:
1. Number of patients who was seen by an EP (Eligible Professional) - Who are eligible professionals? (We won't go into the definition here, but if you are so inclined, you can read page 358 of the meaningful use rule to find out.) Bottom line for you to make this measure work, you will have to find out the "type of provider". This information is stored where now? In your HR database, I presume?
2. Seen in an Emergency Department or Inpatient facility: Ok, so what happens if a patient was seen both by your ER and then admitted to your Inpatient facility? No matter, we can work around it, by looking at whether the patient was treated by an ER doc before she was sent to inpatient, right? Where is the data for this? Well, the EMR guys should have this info for sure, right?
3. Medications that are on the medication list ordered by CPOE. Well, the EMR guys should have this data too, correct? Great. It's 2 for EMR, one for HR!
4. Hmmmm....what is the fourth element? Do we have all we need? Not yet, data queen. To calculate this measure, you also need to know the total number of patients who were seen and who were ordered medications "without" the use of CPOE. Where is the data for that?!!! Your appointment scheduling system? Maybe your claims system? Doctors' notes?

Final score? Measure - 1. DQ - 0. The point, I am making, is invest in a really good Informatics platform. The measures are not going away and they are getting more complex. Once in place, you, my dear DQ, will be able to pull this data at the click of a button, or better still, program it to run automatically and send a PDF to your boss as an email attachment!

Vendor's view of Meaningful Use

Take a look: